When making your sponsoring licence application, you will need to specify which type of licence your organisation needs. If you intend to hire skilled workers on a long term basis, you would apply for the Tier 2 licence, whereas short term skilled roles would be the Tier 5 licence, or you can apply for a licence applicable for the two categories.
You will need to ensure that your paperwork is in order. This means that you need to ensure that you have sufficient documents to show that your business is genuine and is lawfully trading in the UK.
You will also need to nominate key personnel in the organisation that will be responsible for the whole process.
The application can then be made online. Once the application is submitted and paid for, you have 5 working days within which you must send to the Home Office all of your supporting documents. This is an incredibly important part of the process, and often where most applications fails. See below to see how Batley Law can help you with this.